“It takes communication, compassion and negotiation to get results, not a bulldog in the courtroom. Nice guys don’t always finish last.”

– Scott Blumen

How does the Dutch reach keep cyclists safe?

On Behalf of | Jan 16, 2025 | Auto Accident Injuries

Bicyclists face considerable challenges as they travel around the city. One of these is dooring, which occurs when a driver or passenger of a vehicle opens the door in the bicycle’s path. The bicyclist may slam into the door, which can lead to serious injuries. 

Using the Dutch reach is one option that anyone in a vehicle can do to help improve the safety of bicyclists. This method requires the person to use their hand farthest from the door to open it. By doing this, they’re forced to turn slightly so they can see if there is a bicycle approaching the vehicle from the rear. 

Why is the Dutch reach important?

A bicyclist who slams into a vehicle door that was opened in their path will likely be thrown off the bike. This can lead to injuries, such as road rash, spinal cord injuries and brain injuries, as they fall. There’s also the risk that they’ll fall into the path of a moving vehicle, which could lead to catastrophic injuries or death. 

The Dutch reach is a simple, yet effective way to prevent cyclists’ injuries, but not all drivers know about this method or use it. Because of that, bicyclists may suffer considerable injuries that lead them to require long-term medical care. Those victims may opt to pursue a compensation claim to help them cover the cost of the care they need. This should be handled swiftly because state law places strict limits on the time between the crash and the filing of the lawsuit.